That was an experience. Only two weeks into my formal training for the half marathon I jumped head first into the Tough Mudder with a few of my college buddies. Leading up to the event I wasn’t quite sure that I my training (which consisted of running 1-2 times a week and tennis a couple days a week) would be enough to run 10 miles plus be able to fulfill on all the obstacles.
I’d have to say that the Warrier Carry was THE hardest obstacle. Unfortunately for my friend Mike, he ended up getting paired up with the tallest guy on the team. I went first and carried him 100 yards on my shoulders and then he reluctantly did the same with me. I’m glad that specific obstacle was towards the end of the 10 miles because otherwise I would have been spent.
All in all it was a great experience and I will definitely do it again. The only thing I didn’t enjoy was getting shocked – 3 times – for the final challenge. Each time I got dropped to the ground. Other than that I’ll definitely consider doing it again. If you haven’t had a chance, check it out as it raises money for a great cause – the Wounded Warrier project.
Well, onward and upward to the remainder of my training for the Richmond half and time to get serious about my fundraising. More on that to come…
Have a great week.